Friday, July 17, 2015

When Someone Does Not Treat Us Right...

If a man abuses a woman, the man has a problem - not the woman;
If parents mistreat a child, parents have a problem - not the child;
If a wife does not respect her husband, the wife could have a problem - not the husband;
If a husband does not love/cherish his wife, maybe the husband has a problem - not the wife;
The list goes on..

Next time, when someone does not treat us right, lets take a minute to think who actually has a problem.
Then, lets take the time to pray for the person who has the problem.
That way, we will not only be able to take the first step towards forgiveness, but we can also empathize with the person who is actually not good to us.

NOTE: This exercise must be done with the guidance of the holy spirit; there can be circumstances when we actually have a problem - but are tempted to blame the other person.